Saturday, May 16, 2009

Fathers and Son's

They boys just got back from Fathers and Son’s they had a great time. They hung out with friends. Travis is so glad we have a camper he said the wind blew all night. Justin and his best friend Asher caught buckets full of FROGS! BOYS will be BOYS! Jayson played horse shoes. And I heard the food was really great. I am so glad they had enough chicken.
Travis and Mark Cooking Dinner!

Jayson and his horse shoes.

Justin and Asher it is a good thing they had a bath when they got home!!!

Take us out to the Ball Game!

Justin is Playing Coach Pitch and he loves it. He is really good he usually hits off the pitch. He is a good little player and I think as he plays he will become better. Jayson and Justin play games on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays with practice in between. Or life is a bit Crazy. I love going to the games.

Love his hair!

Scouter Jayson!

Congratulations! Jayson for all your hard work in Scouts. Jayson just earned many merit badges in scouts along with his 1st Class and Star so now he gets to wait till September to get his Life. Most of his merit badges he earned a year ago our ward has Annual Court of Honors. Way to be Patient and keep going!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Kailee's Mothers Day gift to ME:)

So for Mother’s Day we had everyone in over for dinner. Travis is a great cook on the grill. Of course I think we make a great team. I go to play with my cute nephew Carson (Brandon & Tonya’s little boy). I guess it made Kailee mad she went in my room and slammed the door. When she came out I noticed long pieces of hair on her shirt. Yes you guessed it she cut her hair taking off 3-4 inches I was so sad I cried so did she. Saturday I took the cutest pictures of her with her hair all curly. Here today gone tomorrow. So we took her in and had it fixed. We went short for summer and actually I really like it.

Way to go Brandon!

Congratulations to my little brother Brandon for Graduating from BYU. He is now working on his Masters. Way to go.